Polish Community in Western Australia
Polonia WA was formed in May 2018 and is the state’s peak body representing the interests of the Polish community. Our membership base consists of Polish clubs, Polish schools, and various special interest associations, such as dance and theatre.
Our name represents the merging of two countries and cultures. The word ‘Polonia’ is defined as ‘Polish people who live outside Poland’ or in other words, the Polish diaspora. ‘WA’ or Western Australia in our name obviously represents where we currently live.
Western Australia has a thriving and active Polish community. A broad range of Polish language, cultural and social events are held each month to appeal to various interest groups. Browse our event calendar to join us at one of our next events.
Represent the interests of the Western Australian Polish community and coordinate activities of member organisations.
Strive to rationalise the efforts and resources of the Western Australian Polish community.
Uphold Polish cultural activities and national traditions in Western Australia.
Support and promote Polish cultural, historical, sporting, educational and business activities in Western Australia.
Contribute to, and maintain a positive media representation of the Western Australian Polish community, via traditional and online media.
Promote and maintain positive working relationships between Polish organisations in Australia.
Maintain positive working relationships with Polish diplomatic representatives.